Through their chosen career pathways, RCHS seniors have the opportunity to participate in our Work-Based Learning program! Students are employed at Rockcastle Regional and within the local school system. Shown clockwise from top left are Jackson Stallsworth, Lincoln Rader, Haley Fletcher, Parker Kidwell, Emory Hazelwood, Creed Gabbard, and Connor Hunt. #RocketLearnerstoRocketLeaders
5 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
Red Ribbon Week kicks off early tomorrow! We also have fall concerts tomorrow. See below for announcements.
5 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
Next week is Red Ribbon Week.
5 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
We're excited to introduce Gaggle-Reach Out! Rockcastle County Schools now offers a 24/7 online support service, connecting students with counselors whenever they need guidance, a listening ear, or help navigating tough situations.
5 months ago, Rockcastle Co. Schools
Try It Tuesday is happening tomorrow at breakfast 🚀 Start your day with a Chicken Biscuit, freshly made and ready to fuel your Tuesday. Be sure to swing by the cafeteria and enjoy this tasty treat—because breakfast with Rockcastle County Schools is always a win!
5 months ago, Rockcastle Co. Schools
Last week, Mrs. Morgan Taylor's chemistry students completed the Flame Experiment. Students applied their knowledge to determine the identity or possible identity of a metal or metalloid ion found in an ionic compound. Shown below are students in Mrs Taylor's 7th period.
5 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
science students
science students
Welcome to the beginning of a new week!
5 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
UNITE Club members need to complete a Google Form to receive their club t-shirt! To complete the form, copy and paste the link OR scan the QR code on one of the flyers around the building! There is a deadline, so don't delay!
5 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
Red Ribbon Week Kick-Off! Thursday, October 24th: Wear orange for Bullying Prevention. Let's unite to create a safe, supportive school community! 🧡 Friday, October 25th: Rock Your Red Day 🚀
5 months ago, Rockcastle Co. Schools
Reminder: Seniors who missed Tuesday's ACT will make up the exam Monday morning beginning at 8:00 AM. This will be the last school day administration for seniors. A makeup date for sophomores has not been scheduled.
5 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
Encouraging Strong Attendance for Student Success🚀
5 months ago, Rockcastle Co. Schools
Drum roll please..... We are so proud to post the list of our TOP 10 Juniors on the Early Fall ACT Practice Exam!!! Students are organized by subject area on the exam--but their names are not in the order of their scores. In some cases, we listed more than 10 students because of tying scores! Congratulations !!!
5 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
What's Cookin' in Rockcastle County Schools 🍴 It's everyone's favorite lunch day! Orange Chicken is on the menu today in Rockcastle County Schools! 🚀
5 months ago, Rockcastle Co. Schools
Happy Friday! It is the end of a busy week here at RCHS.. Next week will have picture retake day and an opportunity for seniors who missed last week's school day ACT to make up that exam.
5 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
Happy Birthday to Officer Dylan Hensley! 🎂We appreciate you!
5 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
Officer Hensley
Today, our dedicated FCCLA and Honors Club students exemplified true Rocket Leadership by serving 60 meals to community members at the "Nourishing Neighbors" event. Their commitment to service reflects the heart of our school's mission. Thank you for making a difference!🚀
5 months ago, Rockcastle Co. Schools
Red Ribbon Week Kick-Off! Thursday, October 24th: Wear orange for Bullying Prevention. Let's unite to create a safe, supportive school community! 🧡 Friday, October 25th: Rock Your Red Day 🚀
5 months ago, Rockcastle Co. Schools
Tomorrow is HIGH ATTENDANCE DAY at RCHS and the kick off of our new after school success lab, where we will be offering ACT reviews, AP study sessions, tutoring, and other activities for RCHS students. See our other announcements below. Have a great day, Rockets!!
5 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
I’m excited to share a wonderful opportunity for our students to prepare for the ACT! ACT Boost is sponsored by the Prichard Committee and will offer 10 ACT prep Saturdays throughout the year, focusing on improving students' scores in each area. Each Saturday session will be from 9:30 am- 12:00 pm and will focus on two specific content areas, providing students with targeted practice to help them succeed. Why join? Students will get focused, targeted practice designed to help them excel on the ACT. This is a great way to enhance their skills and build confidence! To sign up, please scan the QR code on the flyer or use the link below to complete the Google Form. You can sign up for as many sessions as you would like, but space is limited so you may not get scheduled for every session. You will receive an email notifying you of which sessions you are scheduled for. Sign-Up with this link--
5 months ago, Rockcastle County High School
🚀 Mark Your Calendars for High Attendance Day this Thursday! 🌟 Every day you show up, you’re taking a step toward success! Let’s fill our classrooms with eager minds and positive energy.
5 months ago, Rockcastle Co. Schools