A limited number of 2023-24 Yearbooks are on sale for $70. Current students can stop by the RCHS Library to purchase. Others who would like to purchase can email Mrs. Joanie (Joanie.lake@rockcastle.kyschools.us) to coordinate purchase. Recent graduates who ordered yearbooks can pick up their diplomas and yearbooks beginning on September 3rd. Please email Mrs. Joanie with any questions.
7 months ago, RCHS
Senior Pictures from 8/22 are now ready to view. To access photos, please use the information below: View and order at https://shop.jostenspix.com/login ROCKCASTLE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL Event Code: FE256724 Also Needed: Infinite Campus Student ID If you have specific questions, please reach out to Jostens Customer Care: 1-877-515-1447
7 months ago, RCHS
SR Pics - Ready
Please see the attached graphic for our announcements on Wednesday, August 28.
7 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
RCHS Announcements
Picture day for 9th-11th grade students will be THIS Friday, 8/30 at RCHS. MRO Students will need to enter through the front doors to check-in before taking their photo. Pictures will be taken from 9:00AM - 1:30PM (there will be no photos taken during fourth period due to lunch). These are the photos that will be used in the 2024-25 RCHS Yearbook. Retake day for all grade levels (9th-12th) will take place on Tuesday, October 22nd.
7 months ago, RCHS
9th-11th Picture Day
We are looking forward to a great day at RCHS! See the attached graphic for all of today's announcements.
7 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
RCHS Announcements
Students & Parents/Guardians: The new school year is the time to make certain all records are updated. See the graphic for important information from our school nurse, Terri Renner. Please contact the high school directly for more information.
7 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
A message from the school nurse
This year, all RCHS daily announcements will be posted to our Facebook page, as well as on the school's live feed through the Rockcastle County Schools app. See our announcements for Monday, August 26th, in the graphic. #RocketLearnerstoRocketLeaders
7 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
School announcements against a chalkboard background.
Diplomas & Yearbooks will be available for students beginning on Tuesday, 9/3. Please see the attached graphic for more information.
7 months ago, RCHS
Diploma & Yearbook Info
All registration for the September ACT ends Sunday, August 25. Juniors and seniors can still register for the exam on August 22 and August 23 at the high school using a waiver--while waivers last. This waiver covers all registration fees, including the late fee. Please see Ms. Susan Norton-Casey for information. Saturday ACT exams are national test dates with registration guidelines in place set by ACT, and dates cannot be altered by the school.
7 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
An hour glass
We can't wait to see sophomores, juniors, and seniors on Thursday! Remember: doors will not open until 9:00 AM.
7 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
"Grades 10-12 orientation" is written across a chalkboard background.
Our high school and middle school teachers are hard at work with consultants from SESC (Southeast South-Central Educational Cooperative) and KCM (Kentucky Center for Mathematics). From breaking down their standards to learning more ideas for evidence-based instructional practices, our teachers are always seeking new ways to improve their classroom instruction!
7 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
Six photos show teachers engaged in a variety of standing and sitting activities.
Our science, math, social studies, and English teachers are working with Johnson Central's Amanda Austin today. We are excited to create a positive culture that leads to student success and celebrates all of our students!
7 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
A collection of five photos showing teachers participating in ACT training.
RCHS and RCMS staff wore pink today. We send our love to the family and school community of 9 year-old Lucy Nash. #PinkiesUpForLucy
7 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
Staff members wearing pink stand in the shape of a heart.
ATTENTION DUAL CREDIT STUDENTS: Fall dual credit classes begin Monday, August 19! Chromebooks are available for pickup in the guidance office. If you need help with your EKU/SCC account, there will be two Google Meets TODAY, Friday, August 16: 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM. Fall dual credit students were sent an email from Mrs. Casey Harper with the Meet links.
7 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
Against a blue background, a megaphone appears highlighting an announcement for dual credit students.
The first day of PD at RCHS is always a great day!! We love seeing old faces and new.
7 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
A group of three science teachers at a table
RCHS library
A group of teachers in the RCHS library
Teachers gathered in the school library
Class of 2024, please share your first day with us! See the graphic for more details!
7 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
The words "Back to School or Work" appear against a dark background
🚀 PARENT PALOOZA: High School Blast Off is TODAY! Join us anytime from 5-8 PM at Rockcastle County High School! 🌟 Don't miss out on a free meal, door prizes, and plenty of community resources from local vendors. Let’s kick off the school year together—see you there! 🎉
7 months ago, Rockcastle Co. Schools
Meet the Rockets on August 16 at 6:00 PM, and watch this year's team scrimmage against Marion County! Admission is $3; fans 12 and under are free! Concessions will be available for purchase. Follow the team's FB page for more details.
7 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
The words Meet the Rockets and the date and time of August 16, 6:00, appear with three football players under the words.
The Rockcastle Co. High School soccer team kicked off the season at Lincoln County on Tuesday, August 6. Their regular season begins Saturday, August 17. with a 9:00 AM match at Berea Community High School. Good luck, ROCK SOCCER!!
7 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
Girls soccer players line up on a field ready to play
All visitors to the high school must enter through the softball field gate until further notice. Work continues on our parking lots today so please watch for roped off areas.
7 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
Newly paved parking lot.