🚀 Daily Attendance Launches Rocket Learners to Success! 🚀 Good attendance brings BIG rewards! 🏆🌟 Show up, stay engaged, and get ready to win weekly, monthly, and semester-long prizes! ✨ Weekly: Attend all week for a chance to win awesome prizes! 🎁 Monthly: Perfect attendance could score you a grand prize! 🎉 Semester: Miss fewer than 3 days, and you're in for an exciting field trip! Let's make every day count, Rocket Learners! Sponsored by: Rockcastle Co. Community Schools
6 months ago, Rockcastle Co. Schools
Congratulations to our juniors who did great work on their August ACT practice!! This week, we will be recognizing students for terrific effort and achievement. First up: MATH!!!
6 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
Any student interested in joining the RCHS Academic Team, attend the first meeting on September 24th after school until 4:30 in RATC Room # 116. During this meeting, you will learn more about competitions, leadership opportunities, volunteer opportunities, practices, and so much more! If you would like more information, stop by and see Mrs. Starla Benge in RATC Room #116 or Mrs. Cayci Mahaffey in the GearUp Room.
6 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
It is a busy week to be a Rocket at RCHS!! See the graphic below for our announcements.
6 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
RCHS students can take the ACT and/or the PSAT in October on a school day! The ACT is open for seniors and sophomores; the PSAT is open for sophomores and juniors. See the attached graphic for more details.
6 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
Testing in October
ATTENTION RCHS SENIORS: College Info Night is coming soon! Joplin Rice, our KHEAA representative, will be providing important information on college finances. Check the attached flyer for more details.
6 months ago, RCHS
College Info Night
Announcing our 2024 HoCo themes for NEXT Week! Student Council encourages all staff and students to dress up and celebrate RCHS Homecoming. Small awards will be given each day for the best dressed students AND staff members. There's no place like HOMEcoming!
6 months ago, RCHS
HoCo Themes
Today in Mrs. Morgan Taylor's chemistry classes, students were tasked with separating a mixture of sugar and sand. They designed, developed, and implemented the procedures they created with their partners to recover as close to 100% of the sugar in their mixture as possible. The group from each class closest to 100% recovery will win a prize! The lab connected to their previous learning: identifying lab equipment, using lab tools safely, classifying different types of matter, as well as physical and chemical changes. Today's lab uses all of the knowledge they have been learning in a practical way.
6 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
Photos from a high school chemistry class.
Congratulations to our ACT Rock Stars!!! Over fifty seniors have ACT composite scores of 20 or higher! Way to go, Rockets!!! #RocketLearnersToRocketLeaders
6 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
ACT Rock Stars
Tomorrow will be our “High Attendance Day” and Rockcastle County Schools will compete with other school districts in the state. Those students present tomorrow will be entered into drawings for many prizes including several gift cards to local businesses and restaurants. Students must be present tomorrow to win! Please see the graphic below for our other announcements. Go, Rock!
6 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
09-11-24 Lunch Menu: 🍴 Roast Beef Sandwiches Seasoned Fries Cheese Sauce Cherry Tomatoes and Cucumbers
6 months ago, Rockcastle Co. Schools
High Attendance Day - September 12th! 🚀 Mark your calendars and make sure you’re at school on September 12th for a chance to win some fantastic prizes! Every student who attends will be entered into a drawing, so your presence truly matters. But that’s not all—there’s even more incentive to come! The grade with the highest attendance will earn a super fun ice cream party to celebrate their achievement.
6 months ago, Rockcastle Co. Schools
Join us in the Christian Appalachian Project Annual Food Drive from September 9th-12th! Donate unexpired, non-perishable food during 1st period, and help us fight hunger in our community! The top 3 classes with the most donations win a breakfast of their choice: Krispy Kreme donuts, Pancake Breakfast, or Sausage Biscuits!
6 months ago, Rockcastle Co. Schools
RCHS Food Drive
It's time to sign up for the PSAT!
6 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
PSAT Announcement
Our announcements for Wednesday are attached, but we want to spotlight a very important announcement: Thursday, September 12th is a KY Statewide High Attendance Day. The goal is for perfect attendance for the entire school. There will be drawings for prizes but students must be here to win. The more days you are here next week, the better your odds are to win!
6 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
RCHS Announcements
Seniors can take the ACT for FREE on Tuesday, October 15! See the graphic for more information.
6 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
ACT Announcement
We hope everyone had a wonderful Labor Day Weekend!
6 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
RCHS Announcements
Support Rockcastle Girls Soccer tomorrow, August 31, through their Car Wash Fundraiser! The team will be at Central Body in Mt. Vernon from 10:00-2:00.
7 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
Some dream about goals, we make them!
Did you know that all Kentucky students begin earning KEES awards during their freshman year? For each year of high school, students can earn up to $500 for making good grades. Bonus awards are earned based on ACT composite scores! That's not all--students with free/reduced-fee eligibility can earn additional KEES awards by making qualifying scores on AP exams. It pays to make good grades!
7 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
A chart showing KEES award amounts for high school students.
See the attached graphic for today's announcements!
7 months ago, Rockcastle Co. High School
RCHS Announcements