Big changes are coming to the ACT in April. Students who test online in April, June, and July will find an exam with fewer questions and an optional science section. Until September, these changes can only be found on the digital ACT on national test dates.
Registration for the April test is open now!

Our announcements for today are below! Also, make sure to read the flyer for Mental Health Awareness Week!

Students, you still have some time to get in work from the first semester. See more information below....Take advantage of the extra days and communicate with your teachers!

RCHS Parents & Students:
Today is the final day of the first semester. These semester grades are FINAL and will be placed on transcripts for 1/2 credit.
Students, you have until Thursday, January 23, to complete NTI and/or missing work. After school tutoring will be offered on Thursday, and work can be submitted until the end of tutoring at 4:45. No work will be accepted past 4:45 PM on Thursday.
A grade of F will earn 0 credit and will require retaking that portion of the course over.
Do not wait. Check IC. Talk to your teachers. Let's finish this semester strong!

Any sophomore, junior, or senior can sign-up now to take the ASVAB! The ASVAB is a free exam administered by military personnel, but it is far more than just a test for those considering a career in the military. See the graphic below for more information. Sign-up deadline is Wednesday, January 22.

Dual Credit Students:
Courses through SCC begin on Monday!! See the graphic below for important information.

On Friday, we celebrated our first Fun Friday of the year--we broke out the holiday music, Christmastime trivia, and tables laden with prizes for students. Special thanks to our RCHS teachers who donated items for the day. Also, thank you to Rockcastle County Community Schools Parent Group members who donated prizes and their time to visit us on Friday!
Below are pictures of just a few of our students.

Merry Christmas from Mrs. Taylor’s AP Chemistry class! Her students designed and made their own Christmas ornaments using an oxidation reduction reaction between aluminum disks and copper sulfate solution.

Christmas Break Reminder 🎄
Rockcastle County Schools will be on break from December 23rd - January 3rd.
📚 Professional Development: January 6th
🎒 Students Return: Tuesday, January 7th
Enjoy the holidays, and we look forward to seeing our Rocket Learners ready for the new year!

The PIM-Rock team is doing amazing work at RCHS!!

Congratulations to our RCHS Perfect Attendance Winners for the Months of November and December! 🌟
Madison Hysinger – Sponsored by Matthew Silcox
Zack Renner – Sponsored by Kiwanis
Axton Reynolds - Rockcastle County Farm Bureau
Kelli Fox – Sponsored by Citizens Bank
Your commitment to excellence shows what it means to be a Rocket! We are proud of you both for showing up every day and setting an example for your peers.🚀

We want to officially introduce some very familiar faces who are working around the building working to help our students become College and Career Ready!
Jerrica Brummett, Tracy Gabbard, Detrina Owens, and Angie Bussell are integral members of the PIM -Rock team. The PIM-Rock team is funded by the Perkins Innovation and Modernization grant to serve students through Pathway Navigation (Mr. Gabbard), Dual Credit (Ms. Bussell), Work-Based Learning (Mrs. Brummett), and Industry-Recognized Credentials (Mrs. Owens). They provide one-on-one mentoring to students in each of these four PIM keys to ensure they support students in a personalized and holistic manner. Please feel free to stop by Room 030 to learn more about career exploration, college courses, internships, and credentialing opportunities available to students!
Not pictured is PIM Grant Director Nakeshia Pulliam.

Through an amazing grant with Parnters for Rural Impact, PIM-Rock is offering paid summer internship opportunities to Rockcastle County High School students--including students who graduate May 2025!!
Interested students can click or copy and paste the link to apply: https://forms.gle/nzXNsJtZweiTXwfj7
A previous issue with the link (students had to be logged into school accounts) has been corrected! Please see Ms. Nakeshia Pulliam or Mrs. Jerrica Brummett if you have questions!

Our recognition of students continues!! All week we have been recognizing members of our ACT Score Jumpers Club. Our award recipients from Wednesday and today are Ezekiel Fain, sophomore; Jai Denny, junior; and seniors Gabriel Clouse, Gabriel Gibbs, Madison Hayes, Cerrina Henson, Kali Jones, Zachary King, Caitlyn Kirby, and Dalton Long-Chumley.
We also recognized junior Hunter McClure for his positive attitude and ability to make others smile every day!
Correction: Earlier this week, Kaylee Johnson was incorrectly identified as "Kaitlyn." We apologize for the error!

It's Friday! See the graphic below for this morning's announcements.

Join us in a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Mrs. Sandy Alexander! She keeps the front office running!

Just a glimpse of some holiday spirit in our classrooms and around the school. More to come!

Calling All Retired RCHS Teachers!
The RCHS staff warmly invites you to join us for lunch on Friday, December 20, from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM.
Let’s reconnect and celebrate together as we honor the lasting impact you’ve made at RCHS.
We look forward to seeing you there!

Here at RCHS we are so excited to introduce our ACT Score Jumpers Club! This is a way to recognize students who increased their ACT Composite Score at least one point from one exam administration to the next. Almost 40 students will be recognized every day this week for their improvement on the ACT!! Today, we awarded certificates to nine students. Shown in the photo below are (front row, left to right) Ella McKinney, Kaitlyn Johnson, Jassmine Alcorn; (back row, left to right) Lucas Saylor, Wyatt Rigsby, and William Martin. Not shown are Lauren McClure, Brandon Valle, and Madison York.
Congratulations!! We will recognize more students tomorrow!!!

We are kicking off a busy week! See below for announcements related to this week's drama performance, our FAFSA Workshop, and much more!